
Deliver Us from Evil

A meditation inspired during worship on 7 July 2024 by Chris Sharpe
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A Lenten Resource: 40 Days

The Road to Resurrection

Lent 2024 DCC

The Heart of FASTING is not so much ‘going without’ or a kind of ritualised punishment, but rather the purposeful laying aside of time, focus and the questing after other ‘things’ to allow a greater space in the day for God to speak. Fasting liberates the habits of an ordinary life for the birthing of something new.

Some might Fast from certain food or drinks, but a fast might also include cutting down TV viewing, reducing screen time, leaving social media or practising the harder Fasts of laying aside criticism, gossip or negativity.

Small Group Notes

Christian Living for Dummies (James)

1. Faith @ 23 Oct 2022

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2. Anger @ 30 Oct 2022

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3. Tongue @ 06 Nov 2022

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4. Money Matters @ 13 Nov 2022

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5. Temptation @ 20 Nov 2022

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6. Suffering @ 27 Nov 2022

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7. Wisdom @ 04 Dec 2022

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